
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

An Eye for an Eye

There are terrible people in the world, people who have hurt others and caused permanent damage.  
There are also people who believe that terrible people should be killed for their actions.
There are people within that group who believe it is right to celebrate when a terrible person’s life is ended.
Personally, while I do believe in justice, I do not believe it is my job to say what justice should be dealt to others, or even myself.
I do not believe that a person’s death should be rejoiced and celebrated.
I do not believe anybody has the right to end another human being’s life, under any circumstance at all.
Life is a beautiful gift.  Life is unbelievably precious. Life is something that God has given, and that God can take away.

“an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
It honestly makes my stomach hurt to imagine people rejoicing over anothers death and ill fortune.
Maybe we should realize that humans do not become monsters without a cause, and monsters do not revert to humans without help and understanding.

p.s.  Vinz is the most amazing person...ever!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Termite Tuesday: Making Assumptions

Termite [tur-mahyt], noun
1.any of numerous pale-colored, soft-bodied, chiefly tropical social insects, of the order Isoptera, that feed on wood, some being highly destructive to buildings, furniture, etc.   (from
2. any of numerous ideologies or ways of being that eat away at a relationship or persons moral. (from me)


When a person assumes something about another person a few things will follow: 
         a) the assumption will most likely be wrong
         b) word will get out about it
         c) feelings will be hurt
         d) a fight will occur.

Maybe it’s because I am living on a floor with forty odd other people, but assumptions have been very prevalent in my life recently.  Girls assume what other girls are doing/thinking. Boys assume girls are “easy.”  RAs assume that if they let things slid people will like them better.  People assume partying makes them cool and not partying makes them not cool.  Words fly around, turn into rumors, and come back to slap the original gossiper in the face.

A healthy relationship cannot happen if we assume things about each other and only ask when it’s already too late.  Don’t assume your boyfriend is talking to other girls when he doesn’t answer your call and don’t assume your best friend is talking behind your back when she is texting someone else.  Relationships are built on trust, and trust gets broken when we assume instead of communicate.

Friday Night Football

The sun was non-existent that October night, but the field was brightly lit by several artificial suns. The stands were congested: parents cheering sons and girlfriends cheering boyfriends. The pep band played obnoxiouslyloud. I held my breath and prayed; something terrible was going to happen, I could feel it.

The ball was kicked and all the players took off. The stands were a mess of noisy, oblivious people. I was so afraid for him, for what might happen to him. The only thing running through my mind was,
"everything will be ruined by a friday night football game"

Brought to you courtesy of Jenny Matlock's Saturday Centus

The rules of the game:

WORD COUNT - 100 WORDS PLUS THE THREE WORDS OF THE PROMPT. Total word count not to exceed 103 words.



THE PROMPT THIS WEEK IS: "Friday night football"

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Termite Tuesday

Termite [tur-mahyt], noun
1.any of numerous pale-colored, soft-bodied, chiefly tropical social insects, of the order Isoptera, that feed on wood, some being highly destructive to buildings, furniture, etc.   (from
2. any of numerous ideologies or ways of being that eat away at a relationship or persons moral. (from me)

Termites are icky, nasty bugs that invade a home and wreck it's foundation.  They are bugs that need to be found, killed, and never again let in.
Each Tuesday, I am going to write about one termite that I think eats away at a relationship or part of the world. 

Week One: the "It's not my problem so I shouldn't have to fix it" Termite

In a relationship, there is no separation of problems.  If one person is in debt, it becomes a problem for both.  If our country has a rapidly increasing poverty rate, it affects even the wealthy people. 
Someone has to fix the problems in a relationship if they want it to continue, and the person with the problem probably isn't capable of doing it alone.  We cannot expect to maintain a healthy, thriving relationship/community/home if we worry only about ourselves and our own problems.  That will cause the foundation to crumble.

"If everyone is moving forward together, success takes care of itself" 
-Henry Ford